Month / May 2023

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  • Spinn celebrates Gothenburg 400 years

    Next week it’s time for Gothenburg to celebrate 400 years and of course Spinn are part of the celebration. On June 3 you can see Spinn’s dancers Britta Kangas, Emilia Wärff and Ida Häggström at Soldäcket in Frihamnen. Spinn makes three appearances at Rain Catwalk during the day.

  • På bilden ser vi en person med rött hår som sitter med ryggen mot oss, iklädd en senapsgul skjorta. I handen håller hen en gul griptång. I griptången sitter en tänd tändsticka ovanför ett stearinljus. Foto: Lars Dyrendom

    Denna sida upp in Filipstad

    The 24th of May it’s time for Spinn to go to Filipstad. Emilia Wärff are invited by the project LICHEN Collaborations to play the solo performance Denna sida upp. Using her own experiences as the starting point, and with the gripper at hand, Emilia tells a story about the Swedish model that’s both abstract and absurd.

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