SpinnOut at Svensk Scenkonsts branschdagar 2025

SpinnOut at Svensk Scenkonsts branschdagar 2025

On April 23-24, Svensk Scenkonst, in collaboration with local hosts GöteborgsOperan and Göteborgs Stadsteater, invites you to a meeting and industry days 2025 in Gothenburg. Current cultural policy issues will be discussed in dialogue between cultural actors and decision-makers.

Danskompaniet Spinn will of course be there. During the coffee break on April 24, the audience will also get to experience SpinnOut. SpinnOut is a dance performance – but also something else. Perhaps more of a surprise, something you discover when you peek around the corner, or something you stumble upon while out shopping. We might show up and do something short, quick, and sparkling. Like a cracker in the middle of everyday life. Or we might linger, take your hand, and work our way slowly forward and backward, maybe in circles, and then somewhere completely different.


Date: Thursday, April 24
Time: 14:55-15:15
Location: Göteborgs Stadsteater

For more information about Svensk Scenkonst’s industry days and registration, you can find it here.


Information about physical accessibility at Göteborgs Stadsteater can be found here.



14:55 - 15:15

Göteborgs Stadsteater
Götaplatsen 4

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