Kategori / engelska

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  • Miramos at Skolscen Sydost in Ronneby

    We continue playing our children’s and family performance Miramos for children, adults and presenters. Wednesday October 16th the turn has now come for the showcase day Skolscen Sydost in Ronneby. There presenters…

  • Skirtpower in Vänersborg and Gottsunda

    During October we’ll present our performance Skirtpower on three occasions! The first when we visit Stora Biografen in Vänersborg on October 9th and then we’re visiting the Busig 2019 festival in Gottsunda…

  • Miramos in Karlsborg and Mölnlycke!

    October is here and now it’s finally time to take our latest performance Miramos out onto the roads again! Yesterday we played it for an amazing group of school children at Moliden…

  • Att skriva dansen och dansa skriften

    Att skriva dansen och dansa skriften (To write dance and to dance writing) is a interdisciplinary investigatory collaboration project initiated and run by Författarcentrum Väst in Gothenburg. The project starts in September…

  • Moby Dick – second week of rehearsals

    We are now coming to the end of our second week of rehearsals for our upcoming production Moby Dick, choreographed by Chiara Bersani. During the first week our artistic director Veera Suvalo…

  • Moby Dick by Chiara Bersani

    At the moment Spinn is in the Italian city of Rovereto for the second round of rehearsals for the upcoming production Moby Dick. The performance is created by Italian choreographer Chiara Bersani…

  • Spark Lab in Rovereto

    A couple of weeks back we told you about the Spark project that we are part of 2019-2020. During the project, the three festivals BewegGrund – Das Festival, Oriente Occidente Dance Festival…

  • Miramos Autumn 2019

    During Autumn, those of you who are yet to see our latest performance Miramos, will have several opportunities to enjoy this little gem! In Miramos we meet four unusual creatures who are…

  • Spark

    Spark is a project that in many ways is a continuation of the EU project Moving Beyond Inclusion that Spinn and Producentbyrån were part of between 2016 to 2018. Spark brings together…

  • Miramos at the Gothenburg Culture Festival

    This Saturday August 10th we’re presenting the performance Miramos at Lagerhuset in Trädgårdsföreningen as part of the Gothenburg Culture Festival. Miramos is presented at 16.30 and at 17.45 and it’s of course…

  • Happening this Autumn

    After an intense and incredibly rewarding Spring, the time has come to focus on what’s happening this Autumn. Because we have loads of things going on during the coming months, both when…

  • Spring 2019

    Spring 2019 has been both intense and incredibly good. We premiered Miramos, our new performance for children created by Torgunn Wold and Paulo Serantes. Miramos has been presented for children and adults…

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