Kategori / engelska

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  • Virkhall in Hjo

    Our very appreciated workshop Virkhall is now spreading to more places in Västra Götalandsregionen. During the coming weeks, Billie Hammarberg and Berith Stennabb will visit Lidköping, Rydal and Hjo to present Virkhall.…

  • Kurvatur at Scenkonstdagar 17 in Östersund

    This weekend we’re heading north to be part of Scenkonstdagar 17, presented by Riksteatern on October 28-29. We’re delighted to get the chance to present our short performance Kurvatur during Scenkonstdagar 17.…

  • The Skirtpower trailer is here!

    During fall we’ve worked intensively on the trailer for our upcoming performance Skirtpower, choreographed by Carl Olof Berg. Skirtpower premieres late April 2018. A pink cuddle pile. Dancers wrapped in fabric and…

  • Affischbild för föreställningen Gård av träd. Foto: Malin Johansson

    Gård av träd at Nordiska Akvarellmuseet!

    This Sunday, October first at 16.00 we will be presenting the performance Gård av träd (Garden of Trees) at Nordiska Akvarellmuseet in Skärhamn on Tjörn. We are so happy to have been…

  • Dancehall + crochet = Virkhall

    Is there really a good way of combining two such disparate artistic fields like crochet and Dancehall? Apparently so, because this is exactly what SpinnUnga dancer Billie Hammarberg and artist Berith Stennabb…

  • Moving Beyond Inclusion

    Right now we’re in northern Italy in a small city called Rovereto, approximately 70 kilometers north of Verona. The reason we’re here is to take part in Rovereto Choreographic Lab, which is…

  • Rovereto Choreographic Lab, September 11-15 2017

    On September 11-15, Spinn along with dancers from SpinnUnga and Producentbyrån, will be in Rovereto, Italy to participate in Rovereto Choreographic Lab, which is similar to the lab that we hosted in…

  • Register now for this autumn’s SpinnVäxa classes

    Summer is over, the schools are starting and the autumn term is here. For many, starting a new term means that it’s time to explore and register for a number of extra…

  • SpinnUnga + Nadia Nair = Forever!

    During spring SpinnUnga, Spinn’s company for young dancers, started up a collaboration with Gothenburg based artist Nadia Nair. And now we have the great pleasure to present the video for Nadia’s new…

  • Conference on inclusive performing arts in Berlin, August 23-24

    Stretching the Physicality of Dance is a two-day conference about exploring new ideas in working with inclusive performing arts. The conference aims to stimulate debate and broaden perception on contemporary dance and…

  • Spinn at Göteborgs Kulturkalas

    During Göteborgs Kulturkalas that takes place in Gothenburg on August 16-20, Spinn will contribute with both workshops and performances. And in addition to this, our amzing dancer Emilia Wärff will also be…

  • Summer greetings from Spinn!

    It has been an incredibly fun and intense spring for us in Spinn! Here are some of the things that we’ve been up to the last couple of months. Performances On February…

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