The image is an illustration of the North Pole. On the left is the upper body of a polar bear standing with its paw on a yellow-green ball, on the left is a bird. Graphic Design: Emilia Wärff

Globe & Climate

We live and dream our blue-green globe.
Infinite in size and possibilities, and yet just a tiny dot in the Universe.
Our inner compass leads the way out into the vast space.

The workshop Globe & Climate deals with issues about the climate and how we together can make big changes, even with small actions. We warm up and find our own center. Then we’re off to the Arctic where we gather on ice floes and meet Ursus maritimus, Pinnipedia and other animals.

We move on through the world that is at times both warm and cold, wet and dry, still and stormy. We talk about shared responsibility, think about how everything’s connected and how we together can make a change. Because together we are both strong, brave and inventive.


Age group
Children ages 6-12 years

45-75 min

1-2 dance artists

Group size
Max 30 people

Minimum 90 m2, the workshop can be held at Spinnstudion, Järntorget 7 in Gothenburg or at the school, inside or outdoors on a flat surface.

We bring our own battery powered PA

Alternative 1
2 workshops of 60-75 min, same day and same place with 2 different groups.

Alternative 2
3 workshop of 45 min, same day and same place with 3 different groups.


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