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  • Denna sida upp premieres in Gothenburg!

    On Friday, it’s finally time! On September 1 at 6 p.m. Emilia Wärff will take place in Kronhuset entrance with her solo Denna sida upp – a performance about the Swedish goodwill.

  • På bilden ser vi en person med rött hår som sitter med ryggen mot oss, iklädd en senapsgul skjorta. I handen håller hen en gul griptång. I griptången sitter en tänd tändsticka ovanför ett stearinljus. Foto: Lars Dyrendom

    Hi hi autumn

    First up is the new premiere of Denna sida upp – a conception of the Swedish goodwill. Based on her own experiences, and with the tongs at the ready, Emilia tells a somewhat abstract and absurd story about the Swedish model.

  • Spinn guests at Freja Funkfestival

    Now it’s summer and what belongs to summer except ice cream and mosquito bites, well festivals. On June 16-17, Spinn will visit Freja Funkfestival at Kulturhuset Spira in Jönköping.

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