På bilden ser vi fem dansare i en dansstudio. Två dansare sitter i rullstol. Tre dansare står på golvet. Alla dansarna har sina kroppar och blickar vända åt höger och rör sig mot höger.

On Monday, it’s time for the first daily training session of the semester through the VIDARE project. The session will be a Contemporary Pilates class led by Liselotte Reivén.

The project aims to develop a cross-functional dance practice at a professional level, both locally and nationally. As part of the project, Danscentrum Väst’s daily training on Mondays will be held at Spinnstudion 10.15am-11.45am. The dance classes are open to professional dancers or those with extensive dance experience, regardless of functionality. More information and the spring schedule can be found here.

If you want to see Danscentrum Väst’s full schedule, you can check it out here.

The daily training within VIDARE is a collaboration between Språng, Danscentrum Väst, Danskompaniet Spinn, and Regionteater Väst.


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