Two dancers moving past each other. We see the back of one dancer wearing white pants, a turquoise shirt and a red headdress. We see the other dancer's face and upper body, it extends its arm and hand towards the camera. It wears a headdress with long strips hanging down. The dancers on a red oriental carpet. In the background we see the audience watching their dance improvisation.


SpinnOut is a dance performance. But also something else. Maybe more like a surprise, something you discover when you peek around the corner, or stumble upon when you’re out shopping. We can show up and do something short and quick and sparkly. Like a popsicle in the middle of everyday life. Or we hang around for a long time. Takes you by the hand and works us slowly forwards and backwards and maybe in circles and then somewhere else entirely.

SpinnOut is a performance concept that has been with us since the beginning in 2010. It is a performance or a happening that is tailored based on the needs and wishes of the organizer. The performance can be done indoors or outdoors with anything from 2-10 dancers and here we have also brought in dancers from Konstra. SpinnOut has previously, among other things, been played outdoors in connection with senior housing during the pandemic, at the World Culture Museum as a pop-up feature when the Swedish Down Association turned 20 in 2022, at the Maritime Museum and during the Culture Festival in Gothenburg, in the municipal hall and outdoors in Vänersborg and as part of the inauguration of The cultural quarter in Örebro 2021.


Tre dansare som klättrar, hänger och dansar kring ett järngaller som sitter på en tegelbyggnad

Två dansare i närbild som rör sig framför ett järngaller. En dansare sitter i en rullstol, framför hen hänger en annan dansare i gallret. I bakgrunden syns entrédörrar i glas.

Fyra dansare som rör sig kring och klättrar på ett järngaller. Järngallret sitter ovanpå en tegelbyggnad.

FFyra dansare som dansar kring ett järngaller som sitter utanför en stor tegelbyggnad.



Artistic director
Veera Suvalo Grimberg
Choreography and concept
Participating dancers and
Veera Suvalo Grimberg
Costume and scenography
Participating dancers and
Veera Suvalo Grimberg
Daniel Bjugård
Company Host
Tone Helly-Hansen
Producentbyrån and Danskompaniet Spinn



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