Svanslandet ( The land of the tail) – acessibilityproject with children´s perspective

En dansare sitter emellan en grupp vita skärmar med spetsiga kanter som påminner berg. Vi ser dansarens från axelhöjd och uppåt med blicken riktad diagonalt ut mot mottagaren. Dansaren har en cerise kroppstrumpa på sig med en cerise väst över. På huvudet bär dansaren en mössa med fluffigt, spretigt hår i cerise. Till höger, strax bakom dansaren samt bakom den bakre skärmen ser vi två ben från vaderna till fötterna sticka upp. De bär också en cerise kroppsstrumpa samt cerisea strumpor. Bakgrunden är mörkblå. I förgrunden framför skärmarna ser vi en del av en stor, rosa fluffig cerise svans.


Now has Danskompaniet Spinn officially launch the project called Svanslandet ( The land of the tail) Svanslandet is a method development project aimed at making performing arts accessible to children with visual impairments as well as children who need clarity, such as those with autism or neuropsychiatric diagnoses (NPF).

Danskompaniet Spinn has extensive experience in accessibility work within the performing arts field. For the performance Svansen, which premiered in January 2024, they developed a “drop-by-drop” audio description. With drop-by-drop audio description, the entire audience hears a narrator during the performance. Music and the narrator’s voice blend to enhance the artistic experience. During the spring performances, the method of drop-by-drop audio description was tested with very positive feedback from the young audience. Based on this and other ideas that emerged during the work on the Svansen performance, Danskompaniet Spinn will continue to explore and develop methods to make the performing arts experience accessible.

Participants in Svanslandet is scenographer Karin Agélii, reference person Wispen Sjob, audio description consultant Mia Harry, material usage researcher Marie Peny-Dahlstrand, constructor Klas Grimberg, technician Simmel Åslund, as well as Danskompaniet Spinn’s dancers, staff, and artistic leadership.

We look forward to following the work and the development of Svanslandet throughout the autumn with great anticipation.

Svanslandet is carried out with support from the Stiftelsen Längmanska kulturfonden, Göteborgs Stad samt Västra Götalandsregionen.

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