Spinn is exploring the intriguing world of Virtual Reality with video artist and director Gorki Glaser-Müller. The first workshop took place on January 21 at the Virtual Arena at Lindholmen Science Center. This is an extremely exciting and totally new experience for us at Spinn, and a way to explore new dimensions in our artistic endeavors. In this first workshop, we mainly focused on the basics of VR. The next step is to see how we can integrate this in the creation of a performance.
Here’s what Britta Kangas, one of Spinns guest dancers, thought about the workshop: “An intense artistic experience, which opens up a new world of possibilities and ways to approach performing arts. But which also mediates that intimate feeling similar to meeting an actual audience. At times it was a bit scary, since it was so similar to reality. A space-time experience challenging all the senses, and an exciting media! As a dancer I’m very curious to continue exploring the art of dancing within the frames of the VR world.”
This project is enabled thanks to financial support from Göteborgs Stad.