Kategori / engelska

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  • Doris&Lo at Kultur 18 in Strängnäs

    Saturday May 19 Kultur 18 – Kulturdagen i Strängnäs kommun takes place and Spinn has been invited to present Doris&Lo. The performance takes place at Västervikstorget at 13.10 and it’s free entrance!…

  • Skirtpower on a regional tour

    A massive thank you to everyone who rode the bus or joined us at Vitlycke for the premiere of Skirtpower last week. We are so happy, grateful and proud over the amazing…

  • Finally premiere!

    This Saturday April 28th at 19.00 marks the premiere for Spinn’s new production Skirtpower, choreographed by Stockholm based choreographer Carl Olof Berg. The premiere takes place at Vitlycke – Centre for Performing…

  • Skirtpower on tour with ABF

    In a couple of weeks we’ll start our regional tour with Skirtpower that we’re doing in collaboration with ABF Västra Götaland. We’re so thrilled to get this amazing performance out into the…

  • Residency and showing of Skirtpower at Vara Konserthus

    On April 18-20 we have been invited to Vara Konserthus for a short residency. In Vara we will both rehearse the piece and do an informal open showing on Wednesday the 18…

  • Music for Skirtpower – Lisen Rylander Löve

    Rehearsals for Skirtpower has now begun at Spinnstudion in Gothenburg. And for this production in addition to the dancers, the ensemble also consists of musician and composer Lisen Rylander Löve who has…

  • Rehearsals for Skirtpower at Spinnstudion!

    After Easter we start the rehearsals of our coming production Skirtpower in Spinnstudion in Gothenburg! Finally we are gathered again to start work on this amazing performance along with choreographer Carl Olof…

  • Tickets for Skirtpower!

    Saturday April 28th at 19.00 marks the premiere for Spinn’s new production Skirtpower, choreographed by Stockholm based choreographer Carl Olof Berg and tickets are now available! We’ve chosen to have the premiere…

  • Moving Beyond Inclusion in London

    Next week, Veera Suvalo Grimberg from Spinn and Malin Enberg from Producentbyrån are going to London to visit Candoco Dance Company in order to attend the last network meeting for the EU-project…

  • Affischbild för föreställningen Gård av träd. Foto: Malin Johansson

    Garden of Trees at Gottsunda Dans & Teater

    This Friday, march 9 we have the great pleasure of once again presenting the performance Garden of Trees, choreographed by Tanja Eloranta when we have been invited to Dansfiket at Gottsunda Dans…

  • Skirtpower – premiere Saturday April 28!

    Saturday April 28 is the big day! Then it’s finally premiere for Spinn’s new production Skirtpower, choreographed by Carl Olof Berg. The starting point for Skirtpower is the skirt as an ambiguous…

  • Workshop with Torgunn Wold at Spinnstudion

    In Spinn, we’re always curious at finding new ways and entry points into creating art and to work with new people. This week we’re doing a research lab with Icelandic choreographer Lára…

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