Hi hi autumn
First up is the new premiere of Denna sida upp – a conception of the Swedish goodwill. Based on her own experiences, and with the tongs at the ready, Emilia tells a somewhat abstract and absurd story about the Swedish model. Denna sida upp is a performance where function becomes form, where the everyday range of the aid center is elevated, displaced and transformed into something dreamy, unlikely and also beautiful. All to musician and composer Anna Gustavsson’s playful and rhythmic music.
The new premiere takes place in the Kronhuset’s entrance, on 1 September at 18.00. You can find more information about the performance here
The performance is arranged during Gothenburg’s Kulturkalas and admission is free.
Visual interpretation is offered with visual interpreter Eli Tistelö. Introduction to visual interpretation takes place at 17:30-18:00
There will also be a party when Vara Concert Hall turns 20. The dance company Spinn is an obvious part of the celebration and on October 6 Hannah Felicia< /a> at Vara concert hall
ORDRead more about the anniversary and buy your tickets here
During the autumn, you can also take part in Spinnout and workshops when Spinn’s dancers visit Gothenburg’s Art Museum in September and October. The dates for the 2 occasions will soon be published, so keep an eye on Spinn’s calendar..
On November 29 and 30, Spinn’s popular show for younger children goes on tour and plays for preschools and schools in Gothenburg. The performances are arranged through Kubo. If you are a teacher at a preschool or school in Gothenburg, you can find more information and book seats for the performances here.
This autumn also includes rehearsals. On October 23, rehearsals of Spinn’s new show Svansen begin in Spinnstudion. Svansen is choreographed by Minna Krook and the music are composed by Ville Hukkinen. We are very much looking forward to seeing the show grow and take shape. Svansen premieres at Vara concert hall on 31 January 2024.
There will also be daily training in the Spinnstudio during the autumn.
The dance company Spinn and Regionteater Väst will give daily training on Mondays at 10.00-11.30 in Spinnstudion all autumn. Spinn is a partner in the project called Vidare and is run by Språng
The project aims to develop a cross-functional dance practice at a professional level both locally and nationally
The dance classes are aimed at you who are professional dancers or have extensive dance experience, regardless of your functionality. There will be different educators and dance artists leading the classes –click here on the current schedule.
The development project takes place in close collaboration with Danscentrum Väst, Regionteater Väst and Danskompaniet Spinn.
We can also tell you that this autumn Språng’s semi-professional ensembles SpinnUnga & Konstra will join a joint ensemble under the name KONSTRA.
A warm welcome to an autumn with Dancecompany Spinn!