Kategori / engelska
Vem får ta plats på scen?
During autumn 2016, six students from Kulturverkstan, an international culture project management education in Gothenburg, followed Spinn’s work as part of their education. The work resulted in the report Vem får ta…
15 juni 2017 -
Adapt the houses, not the people! – lunch seminar at TILLT
TILLT invites to a lunch seminar where amongst other our wonderful dance Emilia Wärff participates to discuss experiences and different perspectives on creative thinking regarding accessibility issues. The seminar will be discussing…
7 juni 2017 -
Gränslandet – A culture festival at Litteraturhuset in Gothenburg on May 31
On May 31st, the culture festival Gränslandet (Borderlands) takes place at Göteborgs Litteraturhus. Gränslandet is a culture festival about the body’s encounter with places, identities and taboos, organized by students from Cultural…
29 maj 2017 -
Spring term ending with SpinnVäxa and SpinnUnga at Världskulturmuseet on May 27th
On Saturday May 27th we close the spring term for SpinnVäxa and SpinnUnga with a dazzling dance exhibition for both children and grownups at Världskulturmuseet in Gothenburg! Between 13.30-15.00 our dance groups…
23 maj 2017 -
Trippel at Dance Week Festival in Zagreb, Croatia!
We are incredibly happy to announce that on Saturday June 3 we will present the performance Trippel at Dance Week Festival in the Croatian capital of Zagreb! Dance Week festival was started…
18 maj 2017 -
Choreographer Fin Walker presents the course Delve Deeper, June 7-9
We first met English choreographer Fin Walker when she participated in Uddevalla Choreographic Lab in Uddevalla last autumn. The lab was part of the EU project Moving Beyond Inclusion and Fin was…
10 maj 2017 -
Spinn + Carl Olof Berg = Skirtpower!
On Monday May 8th, we start the first production period of what’s to become our next performance called Skirtpower, choreographed by the amazing and wonderful Carl Olof Berg! The first time we…
3 maj 2017 -
It’s about dance…
… but fundamentally it’s about human rights (Det handlar om dans men i grund och botten handlar det om mänskliga rättigheter”) – a qualitative study on inclusive dance based on the project…
26 april 2017 -
Kurvatur in Varberg on Dansens Dag, April 29.
Kulturhuset Komedianten in Varberg presents Spinn’s performance Kurvatur as part of Dansens Dag on April 29 at 3pm. Free antrance! Two dancers challenge the balance point between themselves. Curves, lines, arcs, distances…
18 april 2017 -
Re-launch for Imagine at Mölnlycke Kulturhus
Imagine premiered at Kulturens Hus in Luleå in 2013 and was created as a co-production between Danskompaniet Spinn and Danspoolen. Now it’s time for a re-launch of the performance, and this time…
30 mars 2017 -
Gård av träd at Folkteatern the 10th of Februari!
We’re very happy to be able to share the news that we are premiering our new performance Garden of Trees at Folkteatern in Gothenburg on February 10th! Garden of Trees is a…
11 januari 2017