Svansen at Performing Arts Days for Children and Youth in Västra Götaland.

En dansare sitter emellan en grupp vita skärmar med spetsiga kanter som påminner berg. Vi ser dansarens från axelhöjd och uppåt med blicken riktad diagonalt ut mot mottagaren. Dansaren har en cerise kroppstrumpa på sig med en cerise väst över. På huvudet bär dansaren en mössa med fluffigt, spretigt hår i cerise. Till höger, strax bakom dansaren samt bakom den bakre skärmen ser vi två ben från vaderna till fötterna sticka upp. De bär också en cerise kroppsstrumpa samt cerisea strumpor. Bakgrunden är mörkblå. I förgrunden framför skärmarna ser vi en del av en stor, rosa fluffig cerise svans.
Next week, Wednesday, April 17th, it’s time for Performing Arts Days for Children and Youth in Västra Götaland. Danskompaniet Spinn will participate with their latest production, Svansen, (“The tail”). You don’t want to miss it!


With a big, fluffy pink tail, three dancing friends greet you. They cheer for you one by one, and then you can sneak forward and sit down. But what really hides behind the silver mountain?


With Svansen choreographer Minna Krook has created a dance performance that is both playful and thoughtful. Karin Agélii is responsible for the set design and costumes. Svansen is aimed at ages 3-5 years old. More information about Svansen can be found here.

Performing Arts Days for Children and Youth is organized by the regional Cultural Administration and is the event where productions listed in the Cultural Catalog West are presented. More information about Performing Arts Days for Children and Youth in Västra Götaland can be found here.

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