Hope you had a nice start of 2024! Now we’re all at Danskompaniet Spinn gathered again after Christmas and New Year’s celebrations. 2024 kicks off with rehearsals of Svansen, whose premiere is fast approaching. On January 31, it is time for the ensemble to meet the audience at Vara concert hall.

With a large and fluffy pink tail, the three dancers greets you. They say hi one by one, and after that you may go and take your seat. But what’s really hiding behind the silvery mountain? With their tails at the ready, they’re playing their way through the world. They bicker, joke and mess about, and investigate the place that we’re at. Are we even still on earth?

With Svansen (The Tail), choreographer Minna Krook has created a dance performance that is both playful and thoughtful. A performance about friendship and curiosity, but also about consideration and how we together take care of that which surrounds us. Minna has been working as a choreographer since 1999 and has created dance performances for children, youth, and adults.

Svansen are for ages 3-5 years old and their grown-ups.  This is the first time that Spinn has worked with this age group. The performance has been created as part of Spinn’s Artist in Residence at Vara Konserthus 2023-2025, where it will also premiere on January 31, 2024.


Tre dansare som dansar med en stor rosa fluffig svans. Dansaren främst i bild böjer överkroppen åt höger med blicken riktad uppåt. Dansaren bakom står med armarna lyfta och drar svansen uppåt. Dansaren mittemellan sitter i rullstol och har svansen över axlarna som en boa.I bakgrunden ser vi mindre skärmar som påminner om berg i blåaktigt ljus.
Svansen, Danskompaniet Spinn, Göteborg.

Read more about Svansen here!

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