Kategori / engelska

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  • Winter SpinnOut

    Dance and poetry becomes winter magic! We’re so happy to be part of the Gothenburg city initiative Jul till Kvarteret with our performance Winter SpinnOut. When the Covid-19 pandemic struck, the Gothenburg…

  • Work on recorded audio description of Miramos

    Work on the recorded audio description of the performance Miramos is moving forward, in spite of the current Covid-19 restrictions. The idea was for the project’s reference group to meet up on…

  • DansFunk Branschdag on November 20

    On Friday November 20 Skånes Dansteater presents the digital conference DansFunk Branschdag where Spinn participates along a number of artists and organizations from the Swedish dance sector. In 2012 Skånes Dansteater started…

  • Thank you!

    Thursday last week we finally premiered our new performance Hannah Felicia at Kungsbacka Teater! And we’re so happy and grateful that we, against all odds just before the new tougher restrictions came…

  • Premiere for Hannah Felicia!

    The premiere week of our new duet Hannah Felicia is finally here! The premiere takes place at Kungsbacka Teater on Thursday October 29 at 18.00, and the performance is also presented on…

  • Miramos in Olofström

    The time has finally come to once again present our children’s performance Miramos! Monday and Tuesday November 2-3 we’re visiting Folkets Hus in Olofström to present four performances for school classes, and…

  • Workshops in Växjö and Karlshamn

    On October 24-25 we’re heading down to Växjö and Karlshamn to hold workshops for children, youth and families! We are different yet the same. Solidarity, speed and loads of movement creativity is…

  • Två dansare i mitten av bilden. De befinner sig i en grön och lummig skog. Den ena dansaren har rött långt hår och guldfärgad byxdress. Hon sitter i en rullstol och öppnar munnen i ett skrik. Den andra dansaren står bakom rullstolen och håller dansaren i stolen på axlarna. Hon har kort rött hår och tittar rakt in i kameran med allvarlig blick. Foto Anna Ósk Erlingsdóttir

    Trailer for Hannah Felicia

    While the brilliant photographer Anna Ósk Erlingsdóttir was shooting performance images for Hannah Felicia at the beginning of August, we took the opportunity to film the dancers in the beautiful forest surroundings.…

  • Hannah Felicia – premiere at Kungsbacka Teater

    It is now official that the premiere of our new duet Hannah Felicia take place at Kungsbacka Teater, Thursday October 29 at 18.00 and that the tickets are now available! At the…

  • Kunskapsdagar kultur och hälsa Gävleborg

    Kunskapsdagarna 2020 focus on the possibilities in art for children and youth with special needs, using the project Scen:se as the starting point. The Scen:se project, Folkteatern Gävleborg and Kultur Gävleborg has…

  • Costume for Hannah Felicia

    Just like with Miramos, the costumes for our upcoming performance Hannah Felicia, which premieres on October 29, was created by designer Charlotte von Weissenberg. We asked her to share some of her…

  • Swedish Dance at Tanzmesse 2020

    Tanzmesse 2020 was to take place at the end of August. But with so many other things, this year’s edition was cancelled due to the current situation in the world. Spinn were…

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